Wow. I can’t quite believe it, but it’s time for another update on my 2018 goals! It feels like it’s been a long year but I also can’t believe it’s already October and I’m already in Spain! Honestly, this is surreal. Definitely a big life update coming soon!
If i’m honest, I stopped focusing on my goals this summer. I got busy, life happened and I got off track. Fortunately, my goals really do align with my life at the moment, so I did somewhat well. Here’s my recap.

Overall Goal: Resolve.
Goal: Travel more locally.
A. Giving myself an A here because I did go to Tallahassee and then St. Pete again, but I was trying to save money for the move! Now that I’ve moved, my ‘local’ has changed, but I’ve been adventuring around Europe a bit more! I’ve already been to La Coruña and Bordeaux, France!
Goal: Visit Europe again and hopefully work with tourism boards or travel companies there.
A! Guess what, I’m here! Officially living in Europe. Working on getting a bit settled before working with anyone yet though.
Goal: Spend more time taking care of myself.
C. Self-care took a total nose-dive the day I left for Spain. I’ve practiced yoga only twice, and those weren’t even full practices. That said, I was good about keeping up with my skincare routine and getting a decent amount of sleep, so it’s not a total fail.
Goal: Be more open (in my personal relationships).
B. I think I’ve been doing really well when it comes to being honest and open about my feelings, whatever they may be. Times where I would have previously kept quiet to avoid hurting someone’s feelings, I’ve spoken up. Despite that, I’m not at an A yet.
Goal: Write more.
F. Just a straight F. The stress of the move and then the actual move meant several things came to a full stop, writing being a big one. I didn’t even try to write, I barely gave my self time for any creative thought.
B. I’m not exactly excited about this, considering I don’t have a real reason for not writing and giving up on my self-care. That said, I’m getting settled into life in Madrid and refocusing on all these things.
That’s impressive moving to Spain! How are you finding the language barrier? 🙂
Hey Catriona! No language barrier for me, my first language was Spanish actually! Most people who come here and don’t speak Spanish take classes and learn it relatively quickly though.