Most of the traveling I do is solo travel. Since so many of my trips are planned not far in advance, it just usually works out that way. And while I’ve given you reasons to try solo travel and some consequences of traveling alone, I haven’t given you straightforward tips. So here you are! A short and sweet list of tips for traveling solo!

Tips for Traveling Solo:
- When eating at a restaurant, sit at the bar. Lots of solo travelers or people dining alone sit at the bar, so it’s easy to strike up a conversation. Could lead to a new friend or at the very least an interesting conversation!
- Try a walking tour! I recommend the free ones, because I’m always on a budget! It seems like a lot of the time people pair off in those tours, so you’re likely to end up with someone. I’ve ended up chatting with another solo traveler during tours in Athens and Bratislava, which led to grabbing lunch and having a free photographer! Other times I’ve joined other friend groups and spent the same time with them.
- Be prepared for the quiet. Lots of people enjoy independence and doing things on their own terms, so they think they’d enjoy solo travel. That doesn’t necessarily mean they like being alone. You’d be surprised how many people talk about being bored because they’re by themselves! So be aware of where you stand before heading out on your own.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for photos. It can feel uncomfortable asking random strangers to take your photos, but you’d be surprised how nice people are! I’ve taken too many a solo trip and come back with zero photos of myself in those places. Selfies don’t count! I’m not saying to harass someone for a #forthegram photoshoot, but if you want to commemorate being somewhere, get that photo! I’ll never regret asking the random tourist for a photo at the Acropolis or on a hike in Santorini. Those moments were big for me and I’m glad I have those pictures to remember them by.
- Be prepared to do everything yourself. It seems obvious but there are lots of random little things that happen that would be so much easier with a travel partner. Need to go to the bathroom at the airport? You have to bring all your stuff with you in there. Renting an ATV on some Greek isle? You’ll have to drive, carry your stuff, park, and take all the photos. No driving and filming. You get stuck on that ATV? Again, all on you. (That part can turn out kind of scary!)
- Be smart. We’ve all seen Taken. Don’t be that tourist. Be aware of where you are and what that means for a person like you. Unfortunately, you’ll have to take into account lots of factors, such as gender, size, race, etc. If you’re going to a bar at night, have fun! Just don’t get hammered by yourself and end up lost and out of control. People will always warn women about solo travel and how dangerous it can be. Sure, it can be, depending on where you are. So if you want to go to one of those more ‘dangerous’ places, get a guide, hire a local, maybe don’t do that particular part of the journey alone. For the most part, stories you hear of travelers ending up in dangerous situations could’ve been easily avoided.
- Plus Size Travel Tip: As usual, be prepared for gawkers. Also, please be aware of where you’re going and their local culture. If you go to a conservative middle eastern country with all your confidence showing in shorts and a very cropped tee, don’t be alarmed when people stare. You’re going to need that confidence to make sure those onlookers’ stares don’t affect your mood.

I tend to be an overpreparer (not a word, but whatever) in all aspects of life, so for my first solo trip I did tons and tons of research. So while I feel like this list is a fairly comprehensive list of tips for traveling solo, there are tons more helpful articles that I’ve also used here!
If you have any tips for me to add, please let me know!
Thank you for making posts about plus size travel in hostels and in general. It has really helped to ease my mind! I’m traveling solo for the first time to Switzerland in April/May 2022.. I’m a size 18 and hold alot of my weight in my stomach area. I will be fine on a double size dorm bed and I’m pretty outgoing most of the time so hoping to meet other female solo travelers!
You’re welcome! I’m glad you found everything helpful! Good luck with your travels!