WOAH. Ultimately this is a travel and lifestyle blog, but it’s also me. Every fiber of my being comes through somewhere on here, whether in my tone or my overall tastes, this is all a reflection of me. So. Here’s a life update for bit more me.
These past two weeks have been rough. Work has been mentally and physically exhausting. I’ve been trying to spend more time learning about blogging, studying other bloggers and generally just absorbing knowledge. Then there’s what’s going on in the US. I feel like I spent this week trying to recover from last week and the weekend. I will say though, I ended up buying these ‘computer glasses’ from Amazon and after two weeks of using them at work, I’d say they make a huge difference!
Suffice it to say I needed music like I needed air this week – to keep me focused, calm and grounded. So this week’s playlist isn’t about feeling sexy or dancing. It’s about feeling, listening, breathing, and basically being present. There’s lots of older Mumford in there, because when I need to zen out a bit, they’re my go to. Hope you enjoy, happy weekend!

*Update: the playlist changed, but I really enjoy Spotify’s chill playlists for moment like this one!