Hello friends and happy 2021! If I’m honest, it’s been a bit of a hectic year for me so far and things have definitely not gone quite as planned. They’ve been better. Two months ago, I couldn’t bring myself to write anything half decent. I was a walking ball of anxiety, because of financial stress, emotional stuff, and the pressure to simply figure shit out. Thankfully that ended around Christmas, as things came together and I got my life in order. The main thing that I feel truly helped me get there? A digital detox.

I did a five-week digital detox with a company called Stay Unplugged. Normally, they host in-person retreats, but because of the pandemic, they moved their services online. Weird, I know. Leading a digital detox virtually. I thought it’d be lots of zoom calls and computer time. Thankfully, I was wrong. My virtual retreat was a really surprising experience; I learned a lot about myself and how I interact with the world around me. Long story short: I loved the entire experience. It was challenging but so worth it in the end. Because I’m convinced everyone should try this, I’ve laid out this post explaining why I did it, how it works, and what I learned through this process.
Why did I do a Digital Detox?
If I’m honest, I had already started my journey of being more intentional even before this detox. I knew I was spending too much time on my phone or on Netflix for no reason at all. The digital detox ended up being the logical next step. It came into my life just when I needed it.

How the Digital Detox with Stay Unplugged Works
Stay Unplugged’s Virtual Analog Detox is a five-week process. It started with a self-evaluation of how much non-work-related screen time I spend weekly and daily. Then we had a one-hour Zoom call and got to work. You’re matched with one person who goes through the process with you. I don’t believe they technically have names, but I’ll say Natalia was kind of like my guide. Each week she sent me a PDF to read, to help me set goals and ask myself further questions. After the first week’s Zoom call, our calls were on the phone, usually while I took a walk. I’m sure the process could be different, but at the core is the information they send, the conversations you have with your “guide” and the reflections you have with yourself.

What did I learn through the process?
I learned so many things about myself, I could probably write another blog post. Here are my main takeways:
- I need routine in my life. When I stray from that routine I allow myself to fall into bad habits, which lead to me spiraling out of control.
- I need me time, regularly, preferably outdoors. Fresh air is best.
- I crave connection almost as much as I crave disconnection. I love having people over and spending time with loved ones, having people to talk to and spend my days with. But this means real connection. I don’t enjoy random small talk and saying things for the sake of them. (This is something I feel most women do to fit in.) If I’m going to spend time with someone I want it to mean something.
- Spending time journaling is not only a good creative outlet, it’s soothing and allows for honest self-refection that I can’t get otherwise. I also feel very centered when I take the time to do this.
- I crave a life of intention and purpose, otherwise I feel like I’m flailing. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, because life is made of ebbs and flows, but I need need need to do things from an intentional place, otherwise I don’t do them right.

As I’m writing this, I’m realizing none of this sounds so outlandish at all, but believe me, the act of doing a digital detox in real time definitely goes against the grain. It goes against popular culture and society to put your phone down when you’re walking, or to simply lay in a hammock with your eyes closed, awake but focusing on your breathing. Especially in the pandemic, it seems crazy to not watch whatever latest show Netflix has released. Because of this process though, I value myself and my time so much more. So now when I do spend time with someone, I’m giving them all of me. Not the 60% we’re accustomed to giving.
Disclaimer: Because I’m always incredibly transparent, I want to make sure you know this experience was gifted to me by Stay Unplugged on the condition that I share the experience on Instagram. Writing a blog post was not part of the deal, but I found this process so helpful that I’m writing this for you all. And yes, before doing this I wouldn’t have paid to attend a virtual digital detox. I thought I would’ve been able to do this on my own. I was wrong. The value Stay Unplugged provides through the resources they send and through the conversations I had with my coach were worth so much more than the price of admission.
To read more about my journey with confidence and being myself, start here.